Hello, my name is Sasha. I am a queer, trans tattoo artist. Why would me being trans be important to you? If you have to ask, it won't matter to you. But everyone else can be assured that my workspace will always be a safe space. I love to draw and make cool tattoos in Graz and Klagenfurt.
Hit me up for an appointment or for any questions you might have.
t +43 650 971 00 71 m hello@sashakoitz.at
Hello, my name is Sasha. I am a queer, trans tattoo artist. Why would me being trans be important to you? If you have to ask, it won't matter to you. But everyone else can be assured that my workspace will always be a safe space. I love to draw and make cool tattoos in Graz and Vienna.
Hit me up for an appointment or for any questions you might have.
t +43 650 971 00 71
m hello@sashakoitz.at
Sasha Koitz
AGB | Impressum | Datenschutz
Sasha Koitz
AGB | Impressum | Datenschutz